
Questions and Answers


Q1. How many books can I borrow?
Answered By: Molika
UC staff, UC instructors and UC students are allowed to borrow 3 books for a period of up to 14 days. 

Q2. My books are overdue; do I have to pay a fine?
Answered By: Molika

            Yes, all users will be fined 500 riel per day, including holidays, if a book is returned late.

Q3. Can I take books home during the holidays?
Answered By: Molika

            Yes, our UC library allows users to borrow items over the holidays. Contact details for all of the library materials in the university can be found in the Library Regulations.

Q4. How can I find a book in UC library by myself?
Answered By: Molika 

     a) Go to the Library website at www.

    b) Search: How to win friends and influence people?              

o   Enter

o   Click on the title which you chose

§  Title: How to win friends and influence people/ Dale Crnegie

§  Physical description: ix, 254 p.;

§  Author(s): Carnegie, Dale.;

§  Subjects: How to win friends and influence people

§  Publisher: Great Britain , 1968 : WORLD'S WORK LTD;

§  Type: Book

§  Available At: Main Library -> General Collection

§  Availability:        View details (Click on this)

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o  For Librarians (MARC Record View and Download)

Bar code

Accession number



Material type




158.1 CAR




Main Library-> General Collection (Currently present in the Toshu fukami Library)

Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, ets.)

Request this

item for


Please note: On Accession number (…158.1 CAR..) and Available . This item you may check-out home.

Q5. Why can't I renew my books?
Answered by: Molika

  • You cannot renew an item if it has been requested by another user.
  • You cannot renew items if you have fines of over 500 riels on your library account.
  • You cannot renew Reserve items.

* Fines are shown on your library account. You can also view your fines on any overdue books that are still on loan to you.


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